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Aaron Leonard The internet is SERIOUS Business!


I have a lot of interest in Languages and representation of Computer Programs. Here lies some of these Programming language projects I have written:


TWOONENINE-Lang was an experiment in "multi-stack", "multi-environment" programming where the environment and their variables would persist from node to node. This could have also allowed me to extend the nodes with custom behaviours. I got as far as implementing the core language, but never implemented the node behaviours beyond Node 0.

Personally nowadays, I think a mixture of this, and Forth/Uxntal style languages could be possible, and maybe even beneficial. These languages are stack based languages, that operate on a single(two?) stacks. If expanded to several stacks, routines could be written developing upon this, easing longer term stacking of data in memory. Perhaps even nodes operating on nodes... or stacks operating on stacks?

=> See the source code for the interpreter here


An implementation of the esoteric language Brainfuck, using a different set of characters. This was written as an exploration into interpreters and getting my feet wet.

=> See the source code for the interpreter here


I have an interest in markdown languages, in particular simpler representation. Currently for Werc I use an awk script that converts gemini's markdown language into valid HTML, with a few alterations(HTML embedding in a similar to code embedding with ```, and image linking in a similar way to URL linking). This language was my first step into writing markdown generators, written primarily for writing cooking recipes, and for learning Bash scripting.

=> See the source code for the generator here